For individuals who qualify Fresh Start offers Extreme Cleaning Services to citizens of Metropolitan Toronto (West of Yonge Street) who may be experiencing mental illness, physical disabilities, and/ or addictions and who have been unable to keep their living quarters up to public health standards, and as a result are at risk of being evicted from their rented home or apartment.
Eligible candidates for this service must have received a “N5 – Notice to Terminate a Tenancy Early Form” from the landlord. The N5 or N7 Form provides proof of imminent eviction and the potential for homelessness thus qualifying an individual or family to receive this City of Toronto funded service through Fresh Start. The initial cleaning is paid by the City of Toronto’s Homelessness Initiatives Fund. The annual funding of Extreme Cleaning Services by the City of Toronto if approved starts in January and runs throughout the year or until the available funds for this program are fully expended.
This service is also available as a paid service through Fresh Start anywhere in Metropolitan Toronto. For residents requiring such services who live East of Yonge Street, or are not under the threat of eviction or after the City of Toronto funding has been fully depleted.